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Blue Light System

Blue Lights

the blue lights for the blue light system

High power blue alarm lamp and column alarm device.

The department of public safety offers a wide variety of safety precautions and has developed methods to create an environment where emergency assistance can be provided quickly, no matter where it is. Blue alarm lamp system is one of them.The blue light alarm system may be a series of emergency alarm stations strategically distributed throughout the public premises to provide assistance to anyone in distress. At the top of each alarm station is a blue beacon. Once an individual presses the alarm button, they will contact the department of public security's communications center directly to designate an emergency dispatcher.

Blue light system college campuses

If you've been to a college or university recently, you'll find columns with blue alarm lights on the field outside.In the age of mobile phones, some people have begun to evaluate the importance of blue alarm system, but we think it still plays an important role in public places, especially at night.

The blue alarm lamp and blue telephone in the whole blue light system, mainly do the role of security precautions, has a strong deterrent effect, convenient for the police to quickly arrive at the scene. Once the entire blue alarm system is set up, the geographical location of all alarm lights and phone calls will be input into the system.

Blue light systems and blue phones exist in university campuses, parks, hospitals, etc. Most of these blue alarm posts are located near the entrance to the student residence, and the open areas of the campus can also be placed indoors. These Blu-ray alarm systems come with emergency buttons and speakers. Press the button to quickly call the security guard for emergency assistance.

The blue light system refers to an emergency call help system for use in public places. The emergency dispatching system terminal generally uses an alarm column composed of a blue warning light and a blue alarm column. The blue light system, which uses a blue light, has an obvious warning light at night, giving a safe feeling. The blue light system uses regionalized centralized management and fiber-optic communication to enable help-seekers to get fast and accurate help.

blue light system

What is a blue light emergency Tower?

The blue emergency tower has a blue exterior and a blue alarm light on the top. The blue emergency tower is made of stainless steel and has a strong appearance, weatherproof and corrosion resistant. In the middle of the blue lighthouse, the embedded intercom phone KNZD-09 is used to help visitors guide the guide. The top is equipped with the blue warning light D18-B. The overall size is 250*200*2770mm, which is placed outdoors in a column-type installation, which is obvious and firm.

light emergency tower

The use of the blue light system.

The blue light system is used for outdoor emergency help. It is often used outdoors on university campuses. It is easy to breed crimes at night. Blue warning lights give people a warning effect, greatly reducing the probability of crime and protecting the safety of students and tourists.The blue light system will also be used on the street. In the event of an emergency, visitors can use the blue emergency lighthouse for help.

blue light system at the pier

blue light system in the installation

Blue light system composition

The blue light system was designed by KNTECH. The system adopts hierarchical management and regional centralized management. The whole uses fiber optic links, blue light station and blue light station, long-distance transmission, fiber-optic connection, and ring network networking. The terminals in the area are connected by a fiber switch and sip server, centralized management, and equipped with a console to facilitate on-call control. The entire blue light system is easy to manage, stable in communication and expandable.

part of the blue light system blue blue light station part of theblue light system part of the blue light system industrial ethernet switch part of the blue light system blue system part of the blue light system ip pbx server part of the blue light system operator console center

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